Seminar Organized by KMFA for Private Companies to Engage in Forest Management

On Friday, January 27, 2017, KMFA held a seminar for private companies in non-forestry sectors that participate or are currently considering committing to forest management activities.

The seminar began with a lecture on the basics of tree planting, by a senior researcher from Kyoto Prefecture Forestry and Technology Center.

Subsequently, Mr. Kinoshita, Deputy General Manager of Morikawa Group, presented a report on the activities of the Group and mentioned damage caused by deer, which had become frequent in Kyoto. He also spoke about the importance of co-operation with the local forest owners and residents.

Ms. Mizutani from ESPEC CORP and Mr.Yoshino from ESPEC MIC Corp then introduced their activity field of research and planning on forests. With their expertise in environmental assessment and analysis, they provided a description of how forest biodiversity is analyzed. They also presented the possibility of using forests for recreational use among the local residents.




