On October 11th, 2024, the Open Seminar “The Hachō-daira Wetland Walk Tour” was held to provide an opportunity to learn about the importance of the forests that support Kyoto’s culture and history. On the day of the event, 24 participants from KMFA member organizations and individuals attended.
The participants drove for about 1.5 hours from Kyoto City to the Kuta City Forest Management area. There, they met up with two staff members from the Kyoto City Forest and Culture Association, who guided them through the area. Blessed with fine weather, the participants started their walk, enjoying the experience of walking through the natural environment of one of the rare high-altitude wetlands in western Japan.
Haccho-daira, designated as a Class 1 Special Area of a Quasi-National Park, has precious flora and fauna. Still the damage caused by deer eating the plants is a significant problem. While walking, they learned about the measures to deal with this situation.

Group photo in front of a large Tochi tree, Aesculus turbinata
This project was implemented by the National Land Afforestation Promotion Organization’s “Green and Water Forest Fund”.
Hacho-daira: https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/shizen-koen/tamba/en1hch.html